Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Journey of a Thousand Steps(or more)

A year ago this past weekend, I was moving to Boise for six weeks to be a Page in the Idaho Legislature. From starting out on a journey and not knowing what would become of it, I soon realized that I was on a road of self-discovery, and happiness that I hadn't felt before. I was changing... For the better. 

When I say I had no idea what would become of my experience... I was serious. I was absolutely clueless. I knew that I was in for a great treat, and that somehow it would be the best decision I would make at that time in my life. My friends that took the same journey before me mentioned that. But, it was also up to me to decide what to make of my journey. 

I started out as a page not knowing what would happen, but kept going. The work got harder, the days sometimes got longer and the homework away from home got harder too. Little did I know that after six short weeks away from home I would long for Boise and my friends again. The beautiful marble floors of the capitol, the echoing laughter, the donuts and so so much more. 

I also had an opportunity to meet people outside of my Capitol experience, that left an imprint on my heart. The SummerWind ward young women, for their amazing examples, and fun times together. (Abby and Andrea, for all the fun boy conversations, and for the opportunity to share of your sweet spirits, and getting to go to Sweethearts with you!) 

And for the Rogers Family, with whom my page experience would not have been complete. Giving me a place to stay, feeding me heavenly and delicious food, allowing me to be with your family, helped ease me into living away from home for college. I gained a deeper love and appreciation for the gospel and of family in general. I am so grateful to have been able to have Trish and BJ as my adoptive parents for six weeks. They helped me through a rough patch and gave me encouragement all along the way. It is nice to be friends with such an amazing family. And to also be an older sister to a whole new family as well. I loved being able to sit with Auston and talk about life, like I would with my own brother, or have Ava follow me around the house, fall asleep on me, and become like another baby sister to me. I wouldn't trade that experience for the world! I gained a whole new adopted family, that seriously became my second family💜

Now that it's been a year, I still laugh, and reflect deeply upon that life changing experience that has forever left an imprint upon my heart. My heart is full as I think about the journey of year ago, that forever changed me, and gave me happiness that I wouldn't have been able to experience any other way. 

Walking in those big heavy golden doors brings me butterflies every time! I am so grateful for such an amazing experience and for all of those who were there to experience it with me. I miss it so so so so so much and would do anything to have that experience back again. 
P.S. Is it time for a reunion yet? 😜❤️ 
#thepagelife #oneyearago #capitol #friendsofalifetime #reunionanyone? #please? #prettyplease? #redsweatervests #amazingfood #scones #downtownboise #ohthememories #senate #pagingfordayz

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Influence of People

The whirlwind of stress comes in almost like a subtle raindrop, quiet and unnoticed. Suddenly, surrounded with blackness and dust, it begins to choke out the victims in its path, until it has conquered and won the battle it set out to achieve.

As I look back on my semester, I can remember the exhilaration of being in a new place, mixed with anxieties of meeting new people, school anxieties and being on my own in the middle of everything. Of course there were a lot of new challenges to go through, and my faith in the Lord increased greatly, as it was sometimes the only thing helping me conquer the great challenges in my wake.

Although this was a couple weeks ago, I felt that it as worth sharing, in case someone out there needs to hear what I feel impressed to share. Finals week for me was stress, the holding back of incessant tears, endless nights of staying up late to study, anxiety, and lots of headaches. I thought for sure there couldn't be anything worse, except for a few things: like labor(something I haven't experienced yet), or a root canal(also haven't experienced) or getting a cavity filled(experienced) or a broken heart(experienced). 

Anyways, the point of this post was not to go on and on about how miserable finals made me, or how I wish I didn't have to take tests ever again.... but rather to bring home something that made my finals week just a little bit better. I have often been told that the Spirit and the Lord often works through other people. I have felt and experienced that many times. But this week, it occurred more than once, one day after the other.

One such message received describes: 
"I thought of you when I read these scriptures. D + C 121:7-8 and 122: 7. After reading this I can't help but think of rainstorms and rainbows. After a storm we always look for the rainbow! It symbolizes beauty and the start of something new! God promised us that he would never flood the earth again and to symbolize that he gave us gorgeous rainbows! Just like he promises us that he will never give us something without a way to get through it! Each rainbow represents a new chapter in our life! When a storm hits it sometimes lasts longer than expected and we start to feel like we are flooding/ drowning but he is our life jacket/ rescuer! He will calm the storm and then we will see the rainbow and the importance of that storm!"

So... to my YSA Relief Society President who makes me laugh... to the friends I have made in Logan that are much older and wiser than me.... to those in my ysa ward who strike up a conversation with me that I haven't gotten to know very well... to my friends in different places for college who continuously keep in touch with me... to the adults who keep me going... to my family who still loves me even if I am not around... and to countless others I can't name or Ill be typing all day(and it's two in the morning) I can't say thank you enough.

Maybe who I should thank more is a loving Heavenly Father who put such loving people in my path that show me the way I need to go, the pathway paved for me, in the direction I need. I can't imagine a life of loneliness, because I have a cheering section who has yet to give up on me in 18(almost 19) years... and I still have a long road ahead, so bear with me!

Again, thank you for all of you amazing and wonderful influences in this crazy thing called life. I couldn't have done it without you! I have recently discovered that the greatest influence on each and every one of our lives, is the influence of good people, who encourage us that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, there is alwAys a chance to start over and make the life that YOU want and there will always be a cheerleader somewhere along the Rocky and steep path you climb, that will help you fight the good fight and be there til the end.

And now I end with just one question. Who are YOUR cheerleaders fighting with [YoU] til the end of your days?! I've found mine. Have you found yours? :)