Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Dear Future Husband
Dear Future Husband,
It feels as if I've been praying for you forever, but it also feels as if this journey has only just begun. I say journey because that's exactly what the past few years of my life have been.
I told myself that I would be patient for as long it took for God to bring our paths together. Some days were definitely better than others, that's for sure!
I pray for you and your welfare. That whatever struggles and trials you may be going through, that you will come out on top. I pray that you will more fully recognize God's hands in your life, and that you will let him direct your path for good.
I hope that you are doing well. I hope that you are making good decisions and are enjoying whatever comes your way. I hope that work or school or mission life is treating you decently and that these experiences are shaping your life well.
I sincerely wish only the best for you. Wherever you are, whatever you may be doing, even at this exact moment.
I sincerely believe that God has prepared me for someone special. I only hope I can also live up to those expectations God has set for my future companion, for you.
God has made me a better person through his preparations for me to meet you. I have felt his love and proddings many times. I have felt the loving guiding hands as he moved me into situations that he knew would inspire and encourage me to do better.
He chastened me when I went astray, and carried me home when my strength alone was not enough. He helped remind me of happier times to come when I remained at my weakest.
In this journey, I've learned to be patient.
Accepting the Lord's timing has never been easy, but I'm trying, for you. Because I know the wait will be worth it.
I am striving to become more Christlike, because that is what we've been asked to do.
I've also come to love myself more deeply than ever before. I'm learning to appreciate the little things and be more grateful of my shortcomings.
I am seriously the happiest I have ever been because of you. I decided a long time ago that happiness was going to become my new mantra. And that's exactly what happened. The past year has shown me that happiness is everywhere. I have discovered the TRUE me.
I have had many experiences that have taught me much, about myself, and eternity.
I have lost trust, I have been hurt, and thought I would never trust or find love again. I determined that whoever I married would have to be patient with me, and would have to be willing to move slow and help me through these trials.
But I have discovered HOPE. Hope that is possible because of YOU. God helped me see that someone would be able to see past my anxieties and fears about being close to someone again. He helped me to see past "the dating game." to who would hold my hand and walk beside me for eternity.
He gave me hope that you would be waiting, just around the corner (or a few corners).
He gave me this tingling feeling, that as long as I kept my goals in line with His, I would be led to you. He kept me focused on things of an eternal nature. Of the Holy Temple, of spiritual knowledge, and of my worth. He reminded me time and time again that I am a child of God with infinite worth.
He gave me peace of mind as all of my childhood and college friends began getting married, and I remained focused on school. He kept me wondering, questioning and excited for whatever was in store for my future.
He led me to you, in his own time and his own way.
He helped me love myself, so that one day I could be loved even more deeply by you. But also, so that I could learn to love you just as deeply.
And while waiting for you has been a huge lesson in patience... I couldn't wish for any greater lesson to be learned. Waiting for you has taught me more than I could have ever imagined. You have blessed my life immensely in so many ways. So thanks for being you. I can't wait to begin our crazy adventurous life together. I love you more than you could ever know.
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