Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Life of a College Kid

It's two days away from the first day of April. College students, especially Aggies, are dreaming of the days they can shut their text books for the summer months, and soak up all the sunshine. The loss of motivation is real, especially for me. I think of the projects I have three weeks to finish, the essays and articles that still need to be written, and the exams that I still have to study for. It's easy to feel a whole ton of anxiety in this time period. In fact, it's quite normal here in Universityland.

(I'm talking it pretty much consumes my every day life here)

As I walked down the hall of the student center today, I caught my financial aid advisor's attention, and she asked me how things are going, and to keep chugging along, that I would make it to the end of the semester.

I'm in the process of changing my major for the third time. And yes I've counted. There always seems to be a tinge of doubt when I change my major, and the same questions seem to follow me every time. Am I doing what I need to do for me? What am I going to do with the skills I learn? Will this benefit my future?

But something stops me in my thoughts.

I'm at the university I only dreamed of attending in high school. I've made it through three long and painful years. I've learned, I've joked. I've laughed, I've cried, (and a mixture of the two). I've dealt with loneliness, fatigue, and have lost a friend or two. Who am I to tell myself I can't make it through three more years if I have to?

The point to all this... is that I've LIVED. One more month doesn't define my college career. It means I'm one step closer to finding out who I'm meant to be. Who I want to be. For me. College is a stressful, emotional, tear-filled package. But it's also a time of self-discovery. Of joy, of love, of laughter and memories. It's the 2 am phone calls with your best friend that lives 4 hours away. The glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, when you feel like there isn't any possible way you could travel much further. That one institute message of hope from one day, that ends up becoming your saving grace to get you through the whole week.

This month is going to be a hard one. That I can almost for certain guarantee. But I know that when I close my textbooks, and walk away from the dog-eared notebooks, the hard nights and tears will all be worth it.

And that will make all the difference.

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