Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Writing: It's a Magical Thing!

The way to a girl's heart is to hand her a pen. It isn't about that sappy chick flick that one can cuddle up to their significant other with, or the dark chocolate she loves so much. It isn't about the sports she has spent half her life trying to perfect without making the team, or the music she listens to that makes her smile. Sure, all those things fit in somewhere for some people, but for one girl in particular, all she needs is a pen, and a notebook, and off she goes, ready to take on the world, one story at a time.
To me, writing is magical. It unlocks doors I would have never imagined. It gives me a chance to express myself the way public speaking doesn't. Taking all the thoughts from the jumbled-up mess inside my head and eloquently putting them on paper in a way that can be understood is magical. I have listened to a lot of classmates and friends tell me that they hate writing, or refuse to write unless they absolutely have to, which kind of makes my heart sad for them. But through experience, I’ve learned that writing is an art form that has to be worked on constantly in order to perfect it, much like working in theater, or with culinary arts, or with paints or pastels. Writing isn't something that everyone excels at. To anyone else, it’s a wonder one would call writing magical. But to me, I know it’s magical, because I have experienced its power for myself.
As a young child, I loved reading. I fell in love with books the way two people fall in love. Magic Tree House, Princess Diaries, and so many others. I wanted to know how authors had these magic touches that made their writing come to life. As I grew up, I like any other child, had the typical elementary school and middle school experience. I was teased, picked on, and often friendless. I lost friends, friends moved away, and a lot of the time, I was on my own. Some of these experiences touched my heart and left an impact upon me so greatly, that I wanted a chance to explain how I felt, but with no one there to listen, there really wasn't a way to express the feelings I had to embrace alone on a daily basis. My journal became my best friend, and the way to escape what I had kept hidden from the rest of the world. Truthfully that’s how it all began. With not a clue as to who those thoughts would be read by, or why I had the strong desire to write them down, I just did it, no questions asked.
 What started out as a writing session with my journal every so often by myself, eventually changed into something much greater. With the amazing opportunities that the 4-H Program has to offer, my writing skills increased dramatically. At the ripe young age of 14, I had the opportunity through 4-H to apply for a leadership position as a Reporter. When I found out that I had been accepted, I was thrilled. It turned out to be such an amazing experience, and the rewards were even sweeter. The skills that I developed while being a Reporter have paid off in so many ways.  I have since served as a Newsletter Editor, and now serve as a Reporter for a State 4-H Newsletter throughout the state of Idaho.  Since the starting point of my so called "writing career", I have had over 20 articles published in various 4-H newsletters. Instead of writing for just myself, I am now writing for myself with the ability to tell stories for other people. I have also grown to have such adoration for the subject of English, and the writing that comes with it, while making essays and stories come to life with a few intriguing words, and intricate spellings. Without 4-H, I probably wouldn’t have fallen in love with writing, or found a new hobby of collecting notebooks, pens, and stationary. I probably wouldn’t be so edit happy about correcting spelling on various billboards, or on my younger siblings’ homework. But that’s okay, because someone has to do it, so why can’t it be me?
Writing has a way of invigorating the soul and exciting the mind, and has taken me on an incredible journey.  The best part is, it's only just beginning, and that's magical. As I look back on the past years, as my friends have either grown apart from me, moved away, or life simply just happened, the one thing that has stayed constant and consistent to keep me a float the waters of insanity is the ability that I have to write and express myself through words.  When I have a bad day I don’t always turn to the few best friends I have to cry on their shoulders. Sometimes I just can’t seem to find the words. But somehow, with my journal and a pen in hand, the words suddenly magically start to flow from my mind and onto paper, and I feel at peace again.  I can't wait to see where this magical world of writing can and will take me in the future as I start off in my second year of college with a major of Communications and Journalism. I also hope to be able to share my passion for writing in a way that others will be able to find the magic it possesses, in their own lives and unique situations. 

Thank you for your time in reading this essay, and best of wishes for the winner of this contest!

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